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Sku Description Image Supplier Price Visits Date Added
AC1020 Single Wine Bag Generic Supplier HK$70.00 2356 24/10/2006
AC1030 Double Wine Bag Generic Supplier HK$120.00 2323 24/10/2006
AC1040 Domaine Tessier meursault poruzot 2018 Generic Supplier HK$980.00 945 06/11/2008
AC1040 Les griffons de pichon baron 2015 pauillac Generic Supplier HK$320.00 2420 06/11/2008
AU0013 Tall Tale Yarrawood Riesling 2007 Generic Supplier HK$120.00 4111 21/02/2010
AU1030 Dugat Py Gevery Chambertin Les Evocelles 08 Generic Supplier HK$1550.00 3923 11/11/2005
AU1040 Cloudy Bay Savignon Blanc 2022 0.75 ltr Generic Supplier HK$190.00 4044 11/11/2005
AU1050 Dominique laurent charmes chambertin VV 2017 Generic Supplier HK$1700.00 2302 11/11/2005
AU1060 Chateau Larcis ducasse 2015 st emilion Generic Supplier HK$680.00 3111 11/11/2005
AU1090 Bibi Graetz Testamatta toscana Blanc 2017 Generic Supplier HK$620.00 2088 07/02/2006

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