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Sku Description Image Supplier Price Visits Date Added
BU023 Les Arums de lagrange bordeaux blanc 2021 Generic Supplier HK$230.00 1928 01/01/2017
FR0057 Dugat py vosne romanee vieilles vignes 2014 Generic Supplier HK$1400.00 4296 01/03/2010
FR0056 Lucien moine puligny montrachet champ gain 2014 Generic Supplier HK$1550.00 3778 01/03/2010
FR0055 chateau pichon baron 2006 pauillac Generic Supplier HK$1250.00 4441 01/03/2010
FR8960 Chateau Haut Brion 1998 Pessac Leognan Generic Supplier HK$4300.00 4355 01/05/2010
FR8953 Chateau Mouton rothschild 2014 pauillac Generic Supplier HK$3600.00 4357 01/05/2010
FR8955 Domaine Marchand tawse echezeaux 2018 Generic Supplier HK$1800.00 4088 01/05/2010
FR8958 Robert Craig spring mountain cab Sauvignon 09 Generic Supplier HK$550.00 4221 01/05/2010
FR8959 Chateau Haut Brion 2015 Pessac Leognan Generic Supplier HK$3650.00 2582 01/05/2010
FR8961 Dugat py gevrey chambertin coeur de roy 14 Generic Supplier HK$1100.00 4122 01/05/2010

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